Purpose Designed Calf HousingConcept overview
The FlexiTunnel Calf Rearing concept was developed over a decade ago and has since been actively advanced in conjunction with progressive New Zealand dairy farmers and calf rearers. It’s unique “patio system” incorporates every desirable “must have” design feature of “of the perfect calf rearing barn”. The tunnels are used in combination with the purpose designed and manufactured FlexiTunnel yards consisting of a number of flexible pens, generally holding between 15 and 20 calves per pen. They are easily assembled and can be changed around at any time. Read the more detailed report on the cost benefits of the Purposed Designed Calf Housing (MORE). Deep Litter Animal Bedding The FlexiTunnel Calf Rearing Concept provides the perfect conditions for a well-functioning deep-litter system which guaranties optimum hygiene conditions preventing disease build-up, while providing comfortable and cost effective animal bedding. Read the more detailed report on 'Deep Litter Animal Bedding' (MORE). Shed Hygiene and the UV-Light Difference Sunshine reaching into every corner of the bedding area of a FlexiTunnel constantly purifies (disinfects) the deep-litter. It is successfully utilizing the sun’s UV-A rays to kill possible harmful germs (viruses, bacteria and parasites) which could exist in the litter, thereby preventing disease build-up and keeping the litter dryer and cleaner. Sunshine, Warmth and Heat Retention The FlexiTunnel Calf Rearing Concept delivers a warm and sheltered space with its UV stabilised film cover that captures every bit of the sun’s heat (passive solar energy gain) while defusing the harshness of the sun’s rays and prevents any accumulated warmth (calves body heat and sunshine) from escaping. Ample ventilation with the absence of draft The FlexiTunnel Calf Rearing Concept always guaranties optimum air circulation and ventilation without the need to introduce draught and also prevents overheating even on very hot days. Optimal environment with gentle hardening-off and sufficient vitamin D exposure The FlexiTunnel Calf Rearing Concept is based on a “patio system” that simply provides the “best of both worlds” with a fully sheltered warm environment but provides access to open yards for gently hardening-off from an early age. It also ensures ample exposure to direct sunlight for sufficient and all important vitamin D exposure. Practical working conditions for the Calf Rearer The FlexiTunnel Calf Rearing Concept is supplied with purpose designed yards that are fully flexible and practical to work with. The yards consists of single pens of 32 m2 that are made up of 2m and 4m yard units that are looked together with yard stands and U-Hooks and are quickly assembled. The can be hinged in any direction and can be changed around at any stage. The 90cm height keeps calves securely in while the can still comfortably be “climbed” by an adult person. Read the more detailed report on the cost benefits of the Purposed Designed Calf Housing (MORE). |